Big Data in Telecom Industry

Big Data in Telecom Industry

Telecom is one such sector which delivers its services to almost all of us and that too on daily basis. The number of interactions people have with the telecom services in their day to day life is so high in volume that it generates petabytes of data on real-time basis. Over the past one decade, this industry has been through a complete transformation in terms of adoption and integration of new technologies such as advanced analytics, machine learning, AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Internet of Things (IoT). The improved efficiencies and sublime quality of customer service has made telecom one of the most competitive sectors. 

The team COSO IT has been at the forefront of this revolution in telecom sector with our consulting solutions enabling a number of our clients in taking the level of their efficiencies, customer engagement, customer service delivery, and business intelligence to totally new heights. Our easy to integrate consultation services are highly preferred in the telecom sector as we have been able to deliver exceptional results in the core aspects of this industry such as data integration, advanced analytics, business intelligence, predictive analysis and Machine learning driven automation. 

COSO IT aims to help firms stay competitive in the current era of cutting edge competition in telecom sector. Empowered with our simple yet effective solutions, you can rapidly improve on your services, user acquisition, and attrition. Our advanced analytics consultation can help you in getting valuable insights from incoming user data, which can then be used in value service delivery. Our end to end solutions touch the following areas of your business in a way that you achieve optimum efficiency and a staggering growth:

  • Creation of smarter grids for better performance 
  • Enhancing the effectiveness of entire system and processes 
  • Smart and interactive billing systems that are user friendly
  • Planning and execution of merger and acquisition activities
  • Effective management of call level detail and service calls
  • Effective marketing programs for finding new customers
  • Manage customer service effectively with Machine Learning driven automation
  • Optimization of operations and network
  • Smartly strategies on pricing and campaigns

While we deliver solutions for the entire gamut of telecom, here are some areas where we have delivered exceptional results for telecom players:

Network Operations Management 

Out consultation for network management are customized in a way that it can be easily integrated into the system and optimize the efficiency of your network. We help you identify the potential areas that need improvement in the network, so that the entire system can be gradually made flawless. 

  • Easily integrate network management solutions
  • Optimize the efficiency of your network 
  • Identify the areas of improvement in the network
  • Make the entire system flawless

Marketing Support 

We understand that telecom firms of different shapes and sizes need different solutions for their business. We believe that a good strategy works as a good foundation for any marketing solution. Using the advanced analytics applications, we have customized our marketing support solutions in a way that it upgrades itself with changing behavior patterns. Telecom is a customer driven industry and understanding the customers plays an important role in building long term relationship with the customers. Business intelligence is an essential component of marketing support for any enterprise and our solutions are adept in it. With our consultations, many of our clients have been able to nurture value added customer relationship, which ultimately contributes in optimizing the profit margins. We help the organization in marketing support by:

  • Understanding the needs and expectations of customers
  • Deriving an efficient strategy 
  • Understanding the changing customer behavior patterns
  • Delivering value added customer relationship with advanced data analytics
  • Optimizing profit margins 

Product Pricing and Tariff Plan

In the fiercely competitive environment of today's market, it is essential to have a pricing strategy that suits different group of people in different categories. Our consultation services ensure that all your user data gets captured, stored, analyzed and used in an efficient yet effective way. Our easy to integrate analytics solutions offer you valuable insights on user spending and usage behaviors, through which an effective pricing strategy can be derived that is optimized from all angles. What adds glitter to the gold is the fact that valuable business intelligence derived for pricing and tariff can be used in other departments of a telecom business. Our consultation can help you in:

  • Designing efficient tariff plan
  • Fast and effective analysis of the user data
  • Understand the needs of different user groups
  • Create an optimized pricing strategy on the basis of valuable insights
  • Provide useful information to different departments 
  • Boost the business intelligence of entire pricing system

Sales Analysis

This is again an important part of telecom business where all aspects of sales should be taken into consideration such as customers, revenues, volume, margins and performances. COSO IT consultation services have helped many firms in developing competitive sales plans. Thanks to our strong grip over the predictive analytics, we ensure your sales plan are based on factual proofs and showcase an accurate predictive picture of firm's performance for coming months. We help you in:

  • Effective sales analysis
  • Developing effective sales plans
  • Stay ahead from competitors with predictive analytics
  • Create fact based plans with valuable data insights

Other than this, there are a number of services where our solutions can help you in delivering exceptional performance. The areas include:

  • Advertising strategies 
  • Fraud control road-map
  • Managing call records
  • Effective billing service
  • Customer retention models
  • Customer churn management
  • Effective segmentation of customer and market
  • Fraud management
  • Management of Call center
  • Understand the subscriber usage pattern
  • ARPU analysis

For Sales Inquiries on Business Solution in Telecom Industry

If you require further information on Big Data Soltions in Telecom Industry. Please feel free to contact us.